I'm going to finish this extremely productive blog week with a bang!
Yesterday, I posed the question to my husband, "What would you pay for Nolan to sleep through the night (STTN) consistently?"
Confused, he replied, "what do you mean?"
Playing it off I tried to nonchalantly ask, "would you pay one hundred dollars?"
"YES" he replied. A firm yes.
Well good, I thought to myself as I tried to hide a smile. Because I definitely already did spend $100 in the hopes that Nolan would STTN.
It was an AHA moment! I was googling "how to get my 7 month old to STTN" just clinging to the fact that somewhere out there the answer existed. As I read the same lines of advice for the billionth time (put him down when he's tired but not asleep, are you kidding me? That's when he'll scream!!) I just thought... what if it's his mattress?
Admittedly, I bought a rather stupid mattress online. I didn't feel it, I just bought it. Based on the reviews it was decent and more importantly it was cheap. Some part of me decided to skimp on the mattress when I literally spent nearly $800 on cloth diapers. Don't worry honey, we're going to actually be saving money in the long run!
What was I thinking? That has to be it. Nolan is sleeping on this crunchy, noisy sponge and certainly not a mattress-mattress.
So when I picked up Nolan from daycare on Wednesday - I was bound and determined to feel a sample mattress of someone else. Someone who's baby is sleeping relatively well. Jamie (new daycare provider & old long time friend) let me feel her daughters mattress.
It was honestly a life changing moment. I felt that mattress and knew it felt NOTHING like what Nolan's felt like. It was 100% different.
Jamie showed me the brand, a Sealy, and I thought to myself... I don't think my effing mattress even has a brand. It just is a square box with a crunchy waterproof exterior *goes to look it up on amazon*
Actual angry face made Definitely going to write a negative review online... |
I honestly need a minute to recover from that memory.
So anyways, Jamie tells me a little more about the mattress mentioning that it wasn't even the most expensive mattress at the store.
"Where did you buy it," I ask, "Did you get it online somewhere?"
"No, I think we got it at Target."
"Thank GAAAAAHHHHD, I can get one tonight."
And immediately I made a beeline to the nearest Target. My heart pounding. So excited, so nervous!
I get to the baby section and they only have the cheap as f*ck mattresses and one lonely most expensive mattress in the store.
Expensive it is. I plopped it on top of the cart and carried Nolan to the checkout. The fastest Target trip of my life. I left quickly for two major reasons:
- I needed to get this put on the bed before Brian saw... because I had a feeling he'd be annoyed at my purchase without talking it over with him first.
- I was fairly certain that people would think I kidnapped Nolan. Seriously, who is just now getting around to buying a baby mattress when they have a 6.5 month old in tow?
I got home and got the bed set up. And my husband was none-the-wiser to my subterfuge.
The first night (Wednesday night) Nolan had the wettest of diapers that soaked through his PJ's and he woke up at 11:00pm. A very legit reason to wake up and need the help from your parents. Good on you Nolan, I support your cries.
The second night (Thursday night... last night)... he slept LIKE A BABY (finally?!) from 8pm-4am. And the best part was that I did hear him wake up and cry/coo for about a minute or two but he settled himself down. He fell back to sleep on his own.
I sincerely hope as I type this I haven't just jinxed myself but I think I found the answer...
You want your baby to sleep?
*See what I did there, I used mother in the pejorative sense, but also I AM a mother so it's a pun kind of...
I came clean to Brian about my mattress purchase this morning. He rolled his eyes and shook his head and said "whatever." Clearly he didn't fully understand my journey to get to this point.