Monday, January 18, 2010

Holding Myself Accountable

Ok- here's a public confession... I'm starting weight watchers... I know as I'm typing this that this admission is going to make it hard to hit that "publish post" button taunting me. I know it's going to be hard to admit publicly because there are many people I'm close to that I haven't told personally.

My goal in writing this blog today is to come forth and admit what is often times an inner struggle, by turning this into common knowledge it will result in my being held accountable on a regular basis. If you know anything about weight watchers, you have two options but each involve a weekly weigh in: The first choice and most commonly known is the meeting, you weigh in and some stranger records your weight and it goes into their computer, they give you a sticker with your weight on it and it says how you're doing overall and how you've changed since last weigh in. The second choice is using their online etools and weighing yourself at home. I have chosen to attend the weekly meetings and I hereby decree that my blog will be updated weekly.

So there you have it, family and friends who read this blog! You're now in the know.

I've decided that in this "journey" I will NOT admit my actual weight, so if that's what's kept you reading then I'm sorry. What I do plan on blogging about on a weekly basis is my ups and downs (hopefully downs) and write about what I plan to do the next week, especially considering those personal challenges (ie birthdays, pizza parties at work, family visiting and taking me to Giordanos).

Week 1 - So far so good, I weighed in on Friday morning and with nothing to compare it to, I guess I'm at 0 right now. I've been good so far, counting and tracking my points. I even went out with my boyfriend to a bar crawl and was able have a few beers! Halla! (Ummm cuz I'm not going to stop drinking, eating ice cream or doritos - If I do I may just go crazy!)

Oh, I forgot to mention - this time around I actually told my boyfriend I'm doing this! What he doesn't know is that I've actually been on weight watchers before and did really well, (testing, testing... does my boyfriend read my blog? If you're "salty", bring this up next time I see you) it was my super senior year of college and I really enjoyed it. Part of why I think it worked for me was because my roommate, Erick, was aware that I was going to weight watchers and really looking forward to the results. I shared with him when I gained/lost pretty regularly - being held accountable by him was partly why I think I did so well before. Why I stopped, well that's another story.

So that's about it for week one so far. I suppose it's a little early in the game but I'm looking forward to next weeks weigh in to tell you how I did! Hopefully good news... yikes - the pressure is on! Till next time...


  1. Rock & Roll Elizabeth!!! Good luck to you!

    PS - I do read your blog & I very much enjoy it!!!

  2. PS - Your time-stamp on your blog is off by 2 hours (it is 8:52 & it posted 6:52)....does this mean you wrote this at 2:43 last night?

  3. Yeah, I posted it extremely late last night. I had to work at bath and body works extremely late and I felt the courage to write this. Thanks for the kudos! I love that you read this :)

  4. Would you be my weight watchers buddy? I was on it before the wedding, but my schedule is so crappy that I can't attend regular meetings. I LOVED my leader at the Sears Tower (Debbie). She was so amazing. I just need a support person and Derek likes pasta and pizza more than my body can handle....
