Friday, May 20, 2011

You know what? There is no Easter Bunny - over there, that's just a guy in a suit!

Hello That Easley readers!

So I am just writing today to let you all know that I am feeling pretty damn good about myself.  I feel like I'm in shape and pretty darn near the holy grail - my goal weight.  Although I've been stuck at this plateau for ages now.  I just kind of wonder if I should do what all the fitness experts say and throw out my scale (or at least the significance of that perfect weight) and just focus on being fit!  Screw that goal of being 10 pounds lighter.  What does that even mean anyways? 

Question:  Am I gonna go around showing you all what it looks like when I step on the scale? 
I am SO not doing that cuz I weigh myself naked like any other girl who doesn't want even her hair tie to throw that number up at all. 
Answer: NO, I'm going to show you how damn awesome I look by strutting around in fun clothes that make me feel my very best.

I have a confession to make.  I'm seriously starting to like running.  It just feels GOOD to run, and running outside is like a thousand times better than running on a treadmill.  I have a 10 miler next weekend and I've gotta say I'm really pumped!

So I think I'm going to formally just announce that this blog is no longer going to be about my weight loss goals - because I kind of feel like I'm there.  I am comfortable in my body and to be honest, don't mind showing a little skin every now and then.  Of course there are parts of me that I wish I could change but I don't really mind them as much anymore.  But I still feel like talking about fitness and my troubles with weight creeping up will still be an issue I talk about because for me it's therapeutic to throw my story out there to my family and friends!  It's cheaper than weight watchers anyways. 

The reason I came to this conclusion was because I was pretty sick and tired of not having anything new to write about as far as weight loss goals.  I think that you guys just keeping up with my life in general should be enough!  Because I'm awesome.

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