Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Happs

I have to say, it is not THAT hard to be the sober one in a crowd of 30-some people. It's actually quite entertaining!

This weekend I went to Chicago to celebrate St. Patty's with some friends. Of course this is something I look forward to each and every year, and even though I wasn't going to drink - I wasn't going to just NOT GO!

My thought is that I want to get out and spend time with my friends before my life changes completely with our little baby! So don't be surprised if you get an email from me in the next week or so asking to hang out :)

Basically the long and short of being the sober one means that it's kind of awkward in the beginning when you really want to drink with everyone to loosen up - but you know you can't. You kind of feel excluded when everyone gathers to take a shot of something disgusting. Of course the positive is that you remember everything. Meaning you remember EVERYTHING. Every funny thing that someone says that splits your side with laughter, you remember the next day.

When your friend's husband uses the mailbox as a crutch to lean on while puking after giving him a ride home. You remember.

When your friend spills Mike & Ikes all over the dining room. You remember.

You get the idea.

Of course, I needed a little St. Patty's paraphernalia to fit in with the drunken crowd (so I'll be accepted as one of their own), including an out of place penis necklace.
Shirt says "My BAC is 0.BABY"
 Prior to spending the day not drinking - a group of us were out and about downtown Chicago. Since the weather was crappy we didn't get much outdoor time, but we did have fun!

Here's the hubs and myself taking one of my famous self portraits with The Bean! 
Pregnancy wise - everything is going along great! I had an appointment with my midwife just yesterday and she commented that my baby bump is "perfect." I can't hear that I'm perfect enough so I'm immortalizing those words here and now. The heartbeat is in the 140's and he was hiccuping during the doppler! I couldn't hear the hiccup sounds she was referring to, but I trust she knows what she's listening to.

My next prenatal appointment is 4 weeks from now and I'm taking the GESTATIONAL DIABETES test. Haller at flat fanta!
Fanta Fanta Don't You Want A?
Don't you wanta?
And then I guess they're testing a bunch of other medical stuff which is too boring (read: I can't remember what things they are testing for) to put in this blog.

After the 28 week appointment (holy crap, I'm going to be 28 weeks along then!) I'll be bumped up to appointments every 2 weeks.

Here's a bump shot for you - my adoring fans :)
23 weeks 6 days - and dear god, please ignore the derpy face I make in these selfies...  I put the camera in front of me for a reason hehe


  1. Oh.my.god.
    Your bump IS perfect! Check out those curves! ;-)

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Your bump is just the BEST!! You look amazing!

  3. You are much too cute as a pregnant woman. :P
