Friday, March 28, 2014

Miscarriage/PgAL Videos

Remember a few months ago when I was making videos for my hospital? Yeah.... Here they are!

The videos are still listed as private as I'm posting this but those with the link can view it:

In case you don't remember, when I was like 39 weeks pregnant I emailed my OBGYN office and wanted to thank a particular nurse who was really helpful the day I found out about my loss. They must have passed my email around to their marketing department and thought it might be good  to ask me to be a part of some videos to help some people who have gone through similar experiences. I said yes.

If I can even help one person by talking about what happened I'll so it. It still sucks to think about and it's incredibly hard to get the conversation started but I'm definitely here for you if you need to talk to someone.


  1. Those turned out great! And how great of your clinic to put together video resources like that.

  2. They turned out wonderfully! I think it's great your clinic did that.
