Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday Brain

You know that feeling when you have a million things going on and it's Friday and you just don't care anymore?


So here we are. Headed into valentines weekend! What do you have going on? Me? Not so much, probably going to lay low and catch up on sleep because somebody *nolan* decided that screaming at the top of his lungs until we went in and picked him up and brought him into bed with us and while in bed he proceeded to claw me with his talons, crawl over my face, and give general unrest to all around him.

It's so hard to be upset with him though. I mean look at him!

He's the big kid!
So today is the first day of daycare out there for the new little baby in the swing there. Nolan is being a good friend and apparently keeps going up to him and waving! For a while he was the only boy in his daycare and now there's another brand new little baby boy!

A moment of silence for the mom who had to drop off her baby at daycare today. I think all working moms know that feeling in your heart when you had to do that for the first time...

Daycare is still going great! I did, however, put Nolan on a wait list for preschool for when he turns 3. EEK!

Oh, and did I mention that I enrolled Nolan in a toddler tumbling course AND more swimming lessons for this summer? I'm really excited to watch Nolan learn to do somersaults!

I'll leave you with that cute mental image for the day.


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