Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Little tinker man, you're growing so fast! He's basically a kindergartner now... all grown up.

I bought him some adorable size 6 shoes for xmas... and they're already a little too tight on his toes. So I splurged and bought him some red "chuck taylors" so that he'll have some Cyclone flair in every outfit he wears.

Also, the poor kid needs a hair cut! I was looking at the hair hanging over his ears (pushed back for this picture) and just realized I need to step it up and cut his hair already. I've only done it twice so far and I've been meaning to cut it for the last month at least.

I talked to Brian, and told him we decided we are going to get his hair PROFESSIONALLY cut before Christian's wedding! I don't know how to cut bangs yet and I am a little afraid to try. By September, we're going to need something done about them bangs for sure.

It's also worth mentioning the Brian is the baby whisperer at bed time. He'll read him a book and sing him songs... all of which I get to hear over the monitor and it's so darn cute. But even better than that, is when he's all done reading the books and singing songs he says, "Night, night, Nolan" and Nolan gets up and GOES INTO HIS BED.


And then covers up with a blanket.

Seriously? This kid melts my heart.

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