Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Stranger Danger

I just had it click in my head that I should start writing more stories about Nolan while he grows up. So here's my attempt to start telling a little more.

This week, I have hired a babysitter to come over every day since our regular providers is in the NE for a family reunion. Even after being with her for 2 days, he's still feeling unfamiliar with her and clings to me the minute she shows up.

It's so hopelessly adorable to observe him and interact with him. He's not scared of his babysitter, but he doesn't want me to leave. It's one of those things that, as a mother, you just love/hate. I love that he loves to have me near him but I hate that he gets so sad when I have to go.

So when the sitter gets there he holds on a little extra tight. He doesn't want to be put on the ground. He barely wants me out of his sight. This morning I tried to help distract him by sitting behind him while playing with a toy so I could sneak away when he started having fun, but he was leaning on me. He never needs to lean on me because he can sit on his own, but he was leaning back as if it's just one more way to touch me. He could tell that I started adjusting my body to stand up.

He is so hard to leave in the mornings. Especially when he starts to get extra snuggly when I'm about to go.

On the other side of that coin, it's wonderful coming home to him. Yesterday, he made a loud squeak and just "ran" to me. So extremely cute!

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