Thursday, March 10, 2016

Getting The Hang Of Things

It's been an eventful month since I last posted! Eventful in the sense that I can't hardly believe the time has gone by that fast, but I can't really say I've done anything concrete. But here's an update:

Breastfeeding has been going really well for "little little man" (ie Maxwell). We started off rocky though with... ummm... scabs. And now we're using the nipple shield which is a lifesaver for me. Yes, I would like to not need it but every time I try to go without it he compresses the nip so it looks like a football. Not comfortable. Nope.

I've been using "galactogogues" which I'm not sure if I'm spelling correctly, but basically it means that you eat stuff that helps with your milk production. This includes some supplements in pill form, a tea, and of course the lactation cookie. All in all it's definitely going really well and even after easing myself off the lactation cookie (they're tasty and I'd eat like 6 a day without even blinking) my supply still seems to be holding out well. And based on the chubbiness of the cheeks of Maxwell, I'd say we're doing pretty well.

I haven't told really anyone this, but in the beginning at the hospital we were supplementing with donor milk that they got from the Milk Bank of Iowa. The milk was pasteurized so that no communicable diseases would transfer to Maxwell and they say that it's good for his "gut" - whatever that really means. When we came home I think we had to supplement with about 2-4 ounces of formula a day because of the aforementioned scabs and me needing a break. When we started going back at breastfeeding it all actually came together.

Now I've got a really decent freezer stash. At this point I don't even know how many ounce I have in the freezer! I'm guessing 20-30 ounces easily. As a goal, I've been pumping 2-4 ounces extra a day and throwing it in the stash. I find that I can easily get 2 ounces at nighttime when Maxwell wakes up for his MOTN feeding and then I'm still pretty engorged.
It's... It's glorious!

This is actually going pretty well as well! We don't have a schedule decided just yet, but I'm aiming to start putting him down for bed around 8:30 by feeding him and then in bed by 9:00ish with me in bed shortly thereafter. He'll then wake up around midnight or 2:00 in the morning. Napping during the day is a little more of a task, but I've found that I can take him for walks or car rides and that usually gets him sleepy. Now that the weather is FINALLY starting to be in the high 50's low 60's it is perfect for going outside for a walk so I've made it a goal to get out of the house for an hour a day while I go for a walk!

Other things:

  • When Maxwell cries, it sometimes incorporates this adorably pathetic snort that is just so cute, but I also have to "fix" it right away.
  • Maxwell hates the pacifier sometimes, and then is meh with it at other times. He's really only meh with it when it's after he's been fed. Otherwise he likes to use me as a pacifier.
  • Just today he is starting to wear cloth diapers (like his big bro did!)
  • His hair is really long! Easily an inch long that can stick up and be molded into a faux hawk. Everyone comments about how much hair he has! (no bald spot... yet!)
  • Big Brother Nolan is doing SO well! Not really jealous at all! He does have some moments though where he wants to act like a baby mimicking Maxwell's squeaks.
That's about all I've got right now. Maybe I'll update more soon... or maybe it'll be another month! Who knows!?

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