Monday, December 21, 2015


It's impossible.

I'm 35/35.

Holy crap. I've said this pregnancy has gone fast but I didn't realize I'd hit this milestone before I could even blink.

In this photo, me in my prepregnancy pants. I'm carrying HIGH as you can see. Little man is kicking and stretching pretty consistently but that anterior placenta is still making it hard to feel ALL the moves like I did with Nolan.

This little man is going to be here before we know it. And for the record we did finally decide on a name. The name was "warm" to me at first but now it feels like "the one" and definitely seems to be a keeper. We're still keeping the name a secret though because I'm afraid of opinions. If you don't like the name and you tell me when the baby is born then you get to kiss my steel toed boots (or whatever).

Overall still feeling pretty much ok. I'm getting mild heartburn here and there and ready for that to be over. And more than anything I'm really getting ready for this rib pain to be gone. It's getting worse. The pain is more sharp now which is scary to me... like I'm really hurting something on the inside.

I guess I'm officially at weekly appointments considering I'm having my "34" week appointment this week since I delayed it due to a busy work week last week. So yeah... pretty much 5ish weeks of appointments on a weekly basis.

I'm feeling contractions ALL the time which is crazy. I want to know if they're doing anything productive. I mean, not TOO productive because I don't want baby here for at least 2 weeks. But I want to know if I should be getting that, erm... checked out.

Anyways! Post and run... just wanted to share this milestone!

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