Thursday, May 12, 2011

Opening the window on my family drama.

Wow, I must apologize for my complete lack of posting this last month.  I have been busy with work since we were recently acquired by another firm.  Rest easy - I'll keep my job.

I have been busting my ass lately going to the gym, running long distances, doing HIIT (high intensity interval training) and I swear I've been noticing some positive results.  For instance - a pair of pants that I bought from the Gap because they were insanely cheap (like $5-10 bucks, I can't remember exactly) in April 2009 that were too tiny to fit me... now are toooo big!  Like I can stick my entire arm down my pants (in a non-gross manner) when just over a year ago they would squeeze my tummy just a little bit too much that I decided against wearing them.

The wedding is coming together nicely but the procrastinator in me is showing her ugly head.  Yeah I know I need to assign someone to guard the guest book (any takers?) and what not but sometimes there are jobs you have to give for a wedding that you'd rather not do yourself so you think "why would anyone else want to do this?".  Oh I'm sure I'll find a way to get all those details wrapped up in time for the big day (which is less than 2 months away).

I also came to realize recently that there are some members of the Salton family that regularly read my blog and I think that kind of scares me because I just write and write and write stuff on here that I don't think is always family approved.  For that I apologize, but I'm like an open book!!

That being said I wanted to address something that came up recently that really blew my mind.  Well sort of.  My dad said that he would not be attending my reception and would only go sit in the back of the church so I could "glance at him as I walked by".  Therefore taking care of a somewhat difficult question of "how am I going to tell my dad I don't want him to walk me down the aisle?".  Seems rough but full disclosure is that my father (who probably will never read this) feels that although he would like to be a part of my day he doesn't have anyone to hang out with at the wedding (not even his daughters/son/grandchildren/brother who are all coming?).  I guess the short version of the story is that my father burned A LOT of bridges during my parent's divorce way back when.  Including some with me and my siblings and for whatever reason has been lax on calling us on our birthdays or including us in Christmas gatherings or whathaveyou.  This is a somewhat painful discussion topic to be perfectly honest and it's really my passive way of communicating to the Salton side of the family (and college friends too that don't know the situation that well) why my father isn't going to be represented much at my wedding. 

So that's super sad - but honestly I'm trying to remind myself that he's just doing me a favor by not coming and disrupting any peace.  But if you've read this and you're coming to my wedding - and you hear anyone ask anything about my dad, you can feel free to mention this to them and tell them to shut their traps when they come near me on the wedding day because I'm fairly certain I'm going to be so crying tears of happiness basically all day that I don't want any tears of sadness to come and cramp my style. 

Easley OUT!

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