Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fruit Yogurt

Ok serious question you guys... why do they make yogurt with chunks of soggy fruit in it? Maybe I'm alone here but I hate the fruit in yogurt. Those chunks are just in your otherwise smooth and refreshing yogurt... just lurking. Waiting. Waiting for you to take a bite when your unsuspecting tongue frantically feels the different texture in your mouth and you find it in your brave soul to either swallow the chunk whole or to... chew it.

Suggestion to yogurt companies: Blend that stuff up! You'll still give me the natural flavors, all the while still sweetening your yogurt with FAKE sugars in order to call it light. Pffffffft

I am not pleased with yogurt right now.


  1. Especially bad with raspberry. I always put the chunks on the lid.

  2. HATE fruit in my yogurt 100%

  3. Try Noosa. It's got fruit, but not chunky, more like a jam that can be stirred up. and not overly sweet with fake sugar. LOVE IT.
