Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Know Your Audience

This is a prime example of when someone should freaking LOOK AROUND before you start talking. This is an actual quote that I just witnessed right in front of my desk. Yes, this quote was directed at anyone in the general vacinity and she and I definitely locked eyes at some point during her little pity party.

Keep in mind I know this coworker knows about what happened to me - not because I told her but because my boss AGAINST MY WISHES told 2 people in my office and she was one of them.

Coworker: Oh, I just got saddest email [this part was repeated at least 2x]... I had to give up one of my puppies and her new mommy just sent me pictures of her.

Yeah - that's super sad. I can totally feel your grief you self centered bitch. Thanks for sharing your not-even-close-to-sad news with someone who is 1 week and 1 day fresh from having a miscarriage. I'm so sorry that your puppy has been given to a loving family who wants to make sure you feel included in the puppy's life. That must be so hard on you since it was your decision to give up the dog and all. Things must be really tough for you right now, why don't you just go home and take a nap?


1 comment:

  1. SO agree with "know your audience" and I'm so sorry your boss violated your trust like that.. :(
