Thursday, June 21, 2012

Niche Markets


Switching gears from my touchy-feely posts which you have all known to grow and love...

I took a little walk down memory lane just now. At my previous job I worked with very unique niche markets:
  • Nuns
  • Firefighters/Policemen
The differences between the two weren't as big as you'd think. And I think it's important to share...

Firefighters/Policemen are typically men... like MEN-men. Drinking SCOTCH and WHISKEY and swearing up a storm. Telling stories that are so depraved that they make me blush! Nothing out of the ordinary here, just your stereotypical man.

Now before I worked at my last job I wouldn't have ever thought this... but nuns/sisters or whatever you call them... well they like to drink too. I'm serious. We would host large LARGE receptions annually for these women and they would certainly rack up a bar tab that rivals that of the firefighters and policemen. Nuns do drink scotch. Straight up. This happened. I saw it with my own two eyes.

But what really makes me chuckle is how much they'll eat dessert.

There is nothing wrong with a woman enjoying a little chocolate, or some sweets. But these women would pick up 3-4 servings of dessert. And it only recently occured to me that the reason for this is obvious.

Maybe this indulgence makes up for a lack of other indulgences...
Think about it.


  1. Timmy and I came up with at least three reasons while nuns would eat three or four servings of dessert, so, now I'm curious which one you were referring to.
