Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I would never...

... co-sleep.

This post brought to you by the Things Elizabeth Would Never Do before she had a baby.

A few weeks ago, I posted about how I was going to have to start CIO with Nolan. We, well I made this decision before a family xmas get together last month. I knew that I couldn't allow CIO in a strange place when my baby would need to be quiet for the sake of the nearby listening/sleeping family. So CIO wasn't in the cards for that weekend.

Nolan was really extra fussy. Like he was bringing on the fussy. I don't know why he was so bad at sleeping, but let's just say he refused to not be cuddled.

At a breaking point, I brought Nolan into bed with me and Brian. When he was held by either of us, he was instantly relaxed and asleep. For whatever reason, sleeping in his pack in play wasn't in the cards so in effort to get sleep, we coslept. We, three people (2 adults and a baby) coslept in a double sized bed. Oh the humanity!

But it wasn't bad.

Even in a small bed it wasn't awful.

Maybe it was my sleep deprived mind, but co sleeping turned out to be the best decision for us. Our baby didn't cry and we actually got some sleep.

Some other things I would never do (but since have) were:

  • Cry it out... while I didn't do it (yet) I entertained the thought which I never thought I would do.
  • Let my baby eat ice cream (or popsicles, or other food off the table) until he was much older... in fact maybe Nolan tried a tiny bit of my blizzard at 2 months and he loved it (no worries, there was no candy in that bite)
  • Buy clothes that are brand new (instead of consigned) to save money
  • And probably a lot more... *sigh*
What have you done as a parent that you never thought you would do?


  1. um...go to work with vomit all over my shoulder? lol I thought I would be that mom that could still be fashionable and styled and yea. HA. HAHA

  2. I definitely had a "I will not do" list, too. Cosleeping was on that and it's only been recently that we've been (more) consistent with putting her in her own bed. She still gets some snugglin' in after her 7am wake up if she'll settle back down. I think at a certain point we start doing what we need to do to survive. Plus, I kind of love the snuggles :)
