Friday, December 5, 2014

Reddit Secret Santa Gift Exchange

I am participant number 29,320 out of over 200 THOUSAND people doing the 6th annual Reddit Secret Santa gift exchange.
So basically it's just like this... over 200,000 people are randomly matched up with people all around the world, given a few details about that person, and they can look at their reddit message history, and go from there to buy a gift for their giftee.

Here's what I know about my guy:

  1. He's a college student
  2. Among other things, he likes Star Wars and The Godfather movie franchise
  3. On his bucket list, he wants to visit USA
  4. He lives in GERMANY
I really wanted to give him something that has a personal touch, so I'm having all the things I buy for him delivered to me (because I'm an online shopaholic). So far this is my big ticket item for him:

Basically it's a map of the US that has a scratch off component so when he finally does visit he can mark off the states he's been to. (No one can hate on this gift idea even if you think it's stupid because I already ordered it and wrapped it in Justin Bieber wrapping paper)

It'll look like this when scratched:

So now I'm trying to come up with other little nifty gifties that I can wrap and put in the gift box before I ship. The deadline is December 19th for the ship date so any suggestions before then would be fab!

My only other thought is going to the comic book store and finding something Star Wars-y for him that would be unique. But I don't want to spend a fortune... Also, I don't want whatever I ship to be heavy, cuz you know... shipping internationally = $$$

Happy Friday!


  1. A vintage looking Star Wars poster would be pretty awesome, and cheap,most college guys decorate exclusively in posters anyway.

    1. Awesome idea... I found something else though... your thoughts?

      I already ordered it so you can't say anything bad :)
